News News ... (e-Group Site)
If you are unable to request a subscription at the News-Group site, then please Contact Us.

Our Newsletters are typically released just prior to each of our scheduled events, with an occasional special edition for other announcements.  Typically there are fewer than 12 posts per year.

Use the above link to visit our News-Group e-List.

If you are not already a News-Group member you can request a subscription there.  Any e-mail address from any domain is eligible to sign-up and receive news posts.  Advanced features are only available if you subscribe with a Gmail (Google, or similar) account.

Your e-Mail Address is always kept private, and never shared.

Membership to this News-Group is free.


This is an "Announcement" style list.  Only the managers can post.  We usually average couple of posts per month.

List members can see the Message Archives, as well as other information about the list.  (Again... You need a gmail type account to use the extended features, but any account [domain] can receive the news posts in its "inbox".)

e-List "Membership" is required to view the online News Archives.  This is done to protect any personal information that may be included in our announcements.  (i.e. This viewing requirement makes the archives not open to "search-bots", etc.)

You may visit SOCD on Facebook to see other public announcements.


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